The Autism Cure: 5 Facts About The Myth

The Autism Cure

Since the advent of the autism spectrum disorder (ASD) diagnosis, people have discussed the possibility of discovering an autism cure. The idea is as old as autism, formed before anyone truly understood the condition. Nowadays, it is rightly considered outdated.

Autism is an endlessly complex development condition. It exists on a spectrum and manifests differently from individual to individual. Some individuals experience severe autism, are nonverbal, and exhibit developmental delays that impact every facet of their lives. In others, it’s hardly noticeable beyond a few preferences and conversational methods that make communicating difficult. Every individual with autism is unique.

With the advent of brain scanning and human genome mapping, science has made strides in understanding the condition. However, “autism cure” is a misapplication because there is nothing to cure. Autism is not a disease. Compassion, patience, and care are the only way to manage the condition successfully.

At ABA Centers of Georgia, our mission is to comprehend autism and offer the best therapy so neurodivergent individuals can overcome challenges. To accomplish this, we pride ourselves on staying informed with all scientific developments and best practices for care. The following article addresses why it’s counterproductive to focus on an autism cure and what can be done to make the lives of those on the spectrum easier.

What Causes Autism?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer for what causes autism. Consider the complicated symptoms of a spectrum condition. On one end, someone with ASD might only display mild problems making eye contact and a fascination with a narrow topic. These behaviors feel very different from a child who cannot speak without serious therapy until well past infancy. ASD affects how someone thinks, acts, interests, interacts with others, grooms, and learns.

Despite its complexity, studies have pinpointed some common reasons for the condition in children and newborns.

  1. Inheritance: The heritability of autism is anywhere from 60-90 percent and seems to be the primary reason behind the autism diagnosis, with twin studies showing that heritability is one of the primary determining factors of ASD.
  2. Mutations: It’s not as simple as ASD due to hereditary genetics. There are times autism manifests with no family history. Scientists have noticed a pattern where the chance of autism increases the older the father is. The underlying reason might be genetic mutations in the father’s sperm, which increase with the father’s age.
  3. Post-natal Factors: For many, the hereditary and genetic components of autism are difficult to wrap their head around. These underlying causes are not readily observable or entirely in our control. Some have turned to explanations like pre-natal gastrointestinal issues, vaccinations, and autoimmune conditions as causes of autism in infants. Many of these theories lack scientific rigor, are anecdotal, or are born of falsified evidence.
  4. The Environment: With an endlessly complex condition like ASD, one can’t leave out potential environmental factors that might contribute to the development of the disorder. Studies include mercury or lead, dangerous pesticides, and ubiquitous plastics. Additional causes that may contribute to ASD are sleep apnea-induced oxygen shortage during pregnancy, diabetes, and the use of psychiatric drugs.

Why is the Autism Cure a Misconception

The very idea of an autism cure can be offensive to some people, as it implies they are defective and somehow need fixing. The search for such a cure has been counterproductive, and although it has brought us closer to understanding the condition, it has also led us down the path of unhelpful speculation.

A key reason why an autism cure is fanciful is because of how autism works in the brain. Developments in brain scanning technology show that neurodivergent brains have atypical development, with some areas seeing less neuron activation and others seeing more. Additionally, there are over 1000 genes that interact with autism, and we discover more every year. Some of the genes that may have a bearing on being born with ASD are:

  • SHANK3: This gene is the leading candidate for indicating the presence of autism. It has the information to create a protein that establishes and upkeeps synapses (which connect neurons in the brain). This connection issue may explain the sensory problems individuals on the spectrum experience.
  • NRXN1: This is another gene that codes proteins for synapses.
  • CHD8: This gene is essential in brain development and expression.
  • TSC1 and TSC2: These genes are pivotal at all points in life, as they aid with cell growth and cell division.
  • CNTNAP2: This gene may explain why individuals with ASD struggle with communication and expression, as it helps synapses develop language skills.

It might be tempting to assume that from this, we understand autism and are close to a “cure.” But what scientists know is the general function of these genes and that they correlate with ASD. Their exact purpose, interaction with ASD, how the presence of one impacts the development or the expression of another, and thousands of other micro-interactions (such as environmental factors) that might affect the onset of ASD are beyond current knowledge. Genetics and brain mapping are new fields, and although we may understand more one day, nothing resembles a treatment to prevent autism.

What Can Help With Autism: ABA Therapy

While the concept of a cure is erroneous, therapy for the difficulties faced by those on the spectrum is beneficial. Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is the gold standard in autism care. It can teach individuals with ASD enduring skills that help them in all facets of life, from interpersonal relationships to academic growth to career advancement and eventual independence. ABA therapy focuses on positive reinforcement, incentivizing individuals on the spectrum to learn healthier coping mechanisms and rewarding them for making positive strides. ABA has remained the most successful and extensively peer-reviewed therapy, covered by many insurances and recognized by the FDA.

ABA Centers of Georgia and Autism

No matter the challenges your child is facing with ASD, we provide them with everything they need to grow and live their best life. Our certified ABA experts have the compassion, patience, and know-how to craft an individualized plan of care that teaches critical skills for development. With our focus on play therapy, we can make your child feel safe and discover abilities they never knew they had.

Call (855) 929-5058 or contact our website to make a difference in the life of someone you love.

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